Consumer purchase data is the most powerful force in the future of marketing.


We understand where people spend their hard earned money.

4SIGHT’s 100% privacy-compliant purchase transaction data provides the most comprehensive view into consumer spending in the industry. Our solutions are built on top of billions of purchase transaction mapped to brands, categories, and products.


 What We Do

Audience Segments

Perfect slices of audiences targeted based on real consumer purchases - including competitors and cross-shopping.

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Data Enrichment

Spice up your existing data to enhance your targeting with our comprehensive purchase transaction data.

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Actionable Insights

Ready-made insight reports based on billions of purchase transactions to help you understand your customers and competitors.

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by Design


4SIGHT uses its patent-pending synthetic data technology to safely extract data from partners by synthesizing and anonymizing on partner systems themselves. This ensures that sensitive data is never shared.


 Let’s Get Started